Norway prevails over Sweden 1 – 0

Second penalty shot for holding the basket decides game in favor of Norway.

Late in the first half Swedish goalkeeper Anna Överby goes into the penalty box for gripping the basket. Sweden survives the 2-minute power play. In the second half around 8 minutes remaining the referee calls basket holding again. Penalty shot. The Swedish goalie easily holds off the attacker and the Swedish players on deck scream with delight.

However, the Swedes are caught again. The goalkeeper is not a large player so it is easy for her to slip a shoulder too deep. The ref calls for a second penalty.

Now Felicia Nyberg (No 10) of the Swedes must face another penalty shot attempt. This time the Norway’s Karine Haugland harasses her from the bottom. Nyberg cannot risk letting a crack open. There are 45 seconds for a penalty and Haugland shrewdly heads up for a deep breath and comes back like a seal who has figured out a fisherman’s trap. She has a stressed goalie short of air and in goes the ball.

Swedish Captain Helena Fagraeus. Photo: Ann-Sofi Krakau.

Sweden is down but not out. The action now has a frenetic quality. The Swedes are anxious to equalize. They come in more aggressively but they cannot break the Norwegian defense. With relatively little time remaining the Norwegians tie up the Swedish captain Helena Fagraeus on the surface in a tiring battle to nowhere.

Time is running out. A free ball awarded Norway gives the side a chance to call for a time out. Perhaps not a good move because it allows the Swedes to rally for a final attempt. They take the ball from Norway but Norway takes it back. Norway then burns up the remaining minute and half passing safely in the corner.

Norway has too many players in the water. A time penalty is awarded Sweden but only three seconds are left the Swedish and Norwegian players are taking off their masks as the meaningless free ball goes into play. It’s over. Norway has a victory under their suits. Sweden must regroup.

Karine Haugland is one of Norway’s top scorers. Photo: Stine Røsok Dahl.

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